
Saturday 31 March 2018

Pastures New - Moving On

Changes, changes! Some are deliberate, others are wished upon us! The long radio silence chez Greenpatches has involved a bit of both; not least due to various technical gremlins involving new phone providers and getting locked out of my account. But I’m back at last.

A few of you will know that I’ve begun blogging again in a new place (sshhh! I’ve gone over to you-know where). So from now on, you can find me at Holding Heaven. It’s simpler than Greenpatches; less bells, whistles and bloghoppery. However, you’re very welcome to hop over and give me a look.

I’ll be back over here from time to time, mainly to recycle some of those vintage  Greenpatches and weave them into a new pattern over at HH.

Hoping to see some of you there.