Saturday, 9 February 2013

Lent Approacheth

Well here I am, back down to earth after my recent expeditions and wondering where January went. Why, it's been nearly a week since I last blogged, for a start! I can't believe  that Lent is almost with us. Not yet, surely? Yet I spotted a  large pile of last year's Palm crosses in church yesterday waiting to be turned into ash,  so it must be so.

So, with Ash Wednesday in mind, here's a link to another of the marvellous blessings by Jan Richardson of The Painted Prayerbook - Ash Wednesday: Blessing the Dust.


  1. What a beautiful poem/ blessing! It's been a while since I looked at The Painted Prayerbook so thanks for the reminder. Can't believe Lent is so nearly upon us...

  2. Hello, my Dear! 2013 is flying by!! I've come to you from The "Grow Your Blog" was over before I knew about it, but it was so nice of Vicki to leave the list up! Anyway, I always welcome new blogs to enjoy, and yours is delightful! I am now following you ~ please come and visit me if you get a chance!
    So nice to "meet" you!

  3. Well, then - this must be the after party; far more fun. Thanks for passing by (love the "fur in the paint" blog name btw - another cat-lover I see). I've popped my head round the "door" of your blog and look forward to exploring it more later - busy day today.


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