Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy New Year

A Happy New Year from the GPs and menagerie. We've waved Ms GP off on her journey back across The Pond, Mstr GP is sleeping off last night's junketings and Mr GP is upstairs on his exercise bike. No stats or year reviews from me this year; I'm too busy trying to toilet train GP dog II, now a dead ringer for a Christmas angel after her beauty treatment the other day.  Doesn't she look adorable! Do pop over to Archdruid Eileen's blog though -  to see the weird and wonderful search terms which have brought bemused cyber travellers to the Moot House door.  (Churches could do well to  take note).  I don't have  such complex analytical packages myself; the only stats I'm able to access and which I won't be making public, having to do with tape measures, bathroom scales and post-menopausal pimples caused by overmuch festive chocolate chomping. 

Right...must go....Happy New Year Everybody....." GP doggies...Wee-wees!!" (No, this isn't my Word for The Year in case you wondered...)


  1. She's gorgeous! My sympathy with the toilet training - I know from experience that winter isn't the most fun time to be engaged in that! Keep us posted...

    Happy New Year to you all!

  2. Thanks. Old GP dog is weeing for England, bless him. New dog is a fair weather widdler; not that I blame her, the weather being what it is just now!

  3. what a lovely dog!

    Happy New Year!

  4. She certainly is, though hard work trying to get the basics in place that she missed out on when she was younger. (She's an ex-breeding dog). But she's such a poppet that you can't complain. I'm learning to rejoice in the smallest signs of progress. Baby steps!


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