Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Labyrinth Day

Labyrinth at St Beunos, Wales

Thanks to Jan Richardson of the Painted Prayerbook for pointing out that this coming Saturday 4 May, is World Labyrinth Day when people all over the world are being encouraged to walk a labyrinth. St Beunos is a wee bit too far for a day trip. Never mind, I'll rake out my homemade finger labyrinth in honour of the occasion. 


  1. Hi, my Dear! Well, I would walk a labyrinth if there was one available! (I would love to have a boxwood one!)
    Have a great Thursday!

  2. That'd be great, wouldn't it! Why don't you try and make your own finger labyrinth? There are plenty of designs out there on the web. Just download, print and 'walk.'

    I'm tempted to make my own in the garden (just bought a new mower) but if it turns out anything like my 'snow' labyrinth, don't think Mr GP will thank me!


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