Friday, 17 May 2013

Spiritual Underpinnings - Wandering Round in Circles

...upon that Long and Winding Road: another set of Spiritual Underpinnings on Praying the Labyrinth.


  1. Lovely to be greeted by a labyrinth in my bloggy reading list this morning - thank you!

    Oh, and à propos your previous post - well, a tenuous connection - in a previous parish we used to make our Easter garden out of cat litter. Probably as well Tigercat wasn't around...

  2. Glad you liked it. It was a rather crude attempt to depict a labyrinth encounter at Dorchester Abbey one Lent. Impossible to translate into words... Had you had a chance to explore the labyrinths on Letter from Home's other blog? Looks to be some wonderful things there which I WILL get round to checking out eventually (in case you're reading, K); GP dog is demanding walkies with menaces so I'll have to pospone my 'visit' until later today.

    Re Easter Garden. Eewww! That'd stretch my Franciscan principles to the utmost!

    1. It was unused, I hasten to add. Made a lovely "gravel path" in the garden.

  3. I bet you the neighbourhood cats appreciated it as well!


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