Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Summer Days

Bank Holiday Monday Wanderings

Greenpatch dog and I have been working on our fitness levels over the bank holiday. I've also been working on his barkiness levels, in the hopes that he'll be too worn out to entertain the neighbours with his usual melifluous singing.  Here he is wandering over  the Moors...

...through  the churchyard...or was it the other way round? There used to be sheep grazing here, but although we looked hard, we couldn't find any this time. Shame, they're much more fun than a lawnmower! We paused for a refreshment stop halfway at a tap with doggy bowl thoughtfully provided.   At least, I assume it's intended for passing doggies. Either that or we've been using up the church flower ladies' supplies.  I could have done with an icecream myself,  only you don't tend to find icecream vans in the middle of the Lambourn Valley way, unfortunately.

Never mind, onwards ever onwards, dodging passers-by out watching for the few remaining craft from the annual raft race. Home at last...GP collapses; GP dog is still raring to go! 

Lucky dip canine style. Guess who wasted an hour this afternoon searching the town for play balls? Hide his tea amongst these and you can buy yourself at least two minutes P and Q!

Last but not least....who would have guessed that  the childrens' old play tent would be given a new lease of life  as a doggy des-res, dtchd, and ld to lwn? 

Next project: Convert old collapsible garden bin into a Fido play tunnel, site next to high jump (broom balanced on a couple of upturned flowerpots), and open my own little agility business!


  1. looks like a nice walk! Always thoughtful of places to provide water blowls for passing dogs

  2. GP dog certainly appreciated it!


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