Sunday, 14 October 2012

Veni, Vidi, Vici

I came, I saw, I conkered!

Sorry folks, I couldn't resist it!


  1. O aesculus, vestri incussus resonat super terram...

  2. Oh, lovely! I've still only got one... Any tips for keeping them shiny?

  3. Vaguely remember something about soaking them in vinegar but don't quote me on that one! Maybe it's just where I live, but I've not been able to find many conkers this year. This lot, which I'm giving away anyway are the only ones I've found so far, and they took some searching out.

    1. Think the vinegar soaking is about hardening them for conker fights (now banned as a Dangerous Pursuit in many places). I seem to remember my grandfather saying he used to soak his in vinegar then bake in a low oven overnight for a truly invincible conker, but probably not very shiny after all that...

  4. p.s Any hints on how to preserve leaves?

    1. Press 'em in some of the many books on your freshly-painted bookcase????

    2. Good idea, though I think I have a profound "thunk" re permanency and transience coming on...

  5. Ehrm, Mike, hate to confess my ignorance before the entire blogosphere, is that Ovid you're quoting? Can you provide a translation, please? My Cambridge Classics Project Grade C 1975 doesn't go much beyond Metella shopping in the marketplace or Caecilius dealing with the comeback after Cerberus bites the Roman equivalent of the postman!

    1. Oh, Caecilius and Metella! What memories... Cerberus est canis. Cerberus latrat. I loved it!

      Sorry for all the comments - you've caught me in a coffee break with too much time on my hands!

    2. Well if you're still idle, I've just published yet more procrastination fodder!

    3. Well, that's the first time I've been mistaken for Ovid :-D I just made it up! It means roughly "O great tree, your impact resounds across the land..." (referring to conker collisions of course).

  6. Oops. Well, it was only a grade C, and 1975 was a long time ago!


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